Welcome to the Bark & Play Portal!
We are excited to share that we now have a brand new Customer Portal on Gingr where you can log in and request daycare and overnight boarding bookings, manage your dog's account, view report cards, and more!
If you are a current Bark & Play Pet Parent, we have created an account for you already! Use the instructions below to Reset your password and login for the first time. Your account packages and memberships should be on your account. Please let us know if you see any discrepancies. We are very excited about this upgrade, and we appreciate your patience as we move over.
This quick tutorial video outlines the basics of using the new portal, and you can find additional details in this help article.

Step 1
You can access the Customer Portal by following this link [BARK AND PLAY PORTAL].
If you are logging in for the first time, select>> Reset Password?

Step 2
You will then be prompted to input your email or phone number attached to your account. When you select Send Reset Link you will receive an email or text with the password reset link.

Step 3
Once you receive the text or email you can select the Set Password link.
After selecting the link, you will be navigated to the Password Reset page where you can create your password.

Step 4
After creating your password you will automatically be logged into the Customer Portal. Don't forget to add a pic of your pup!
If you have any questions, please call us Monday - Friday between 10-2 p.m. at 303) 446-2275

Get the Mobile app!
Step 1: Download the Gingr for Pet Parents App on Google Play or Apple Store.
Step 2: Add a facility with Bark and Play invite code 905090​
Step 3: Booyah! Login with your account credentials (how to above) and you're in!