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Fur-real our rates are awesome

Overnight Dog Boarding rates all include daycare on drop off day! Woof! That's a big savings. And we don't charge for daycare on pick up day if you pick up your pooch before 10 a.m. Oh yeah, other dog daycares don't do it, but who has time to do all that math? Besides, we're just cool like that.


Single Dog: $70.00 per night

Multiple Dogs: $60.00 per dog per night



Need a home away from home for your dog? Pack their bags!

Bark and Play provides overnight boarding for your doggos. While you're at work, on vacation, or just handling personal business and need some help taking care of your furry family members. We got you. 
Oh yeah, and we don't charge extra for snuggle time, giving medications, or any of those other redonkulous pooptastic mark-ups like our competitors! And daycare for drop off AND pick up days are included. Yep. We're that dog-gone pawsome.

Do I need a reservation for my dog for overnight boarding?

Yes. Please call 303-446-BARK (2275) between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to talk with a Bark and Play team member. 

Are you new to Bark and Play?

Your dog must do at least one Free Trial Day, before boarding.
Click here to get your 3-Day Free Trial Coupon>>

Click here for New Dog Profile and details >>

Do you have later pick up times?

Currently, Bark and Play's latest pick up and drop off time is 7 p.m. for overnight boarding. We’re dog owners and they’re totally our family members and like our kids – we get it. Pet parents these days have crazy schedules and travel plans don't always sync up with the regular 9 to 5 schedule! So we have staff here from 6:30 a.m. until 7 p.m. to care for your doggos and accommodate our pet parents as best we can. For earlier or later pick up or drop off requests, please make arrangements with our team. We'll do the best to accommodate you.

How much does it cost to have a dog boarded?

If it's one dog, it's $70 night. And if you have multiple dogs there, it is $60 per dog per night. That price does include the cost of daycare on drop off day. On pick up day, you're only charged daycare if you pick up after 10 a.m. That's not industry standard - but it's how we roll.

How old does a dog have to be to be boarded with you guys?

So they have to be old enough to get their first round of rabies shots, which is usually between 14 and 16 weeks old.

Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered for boarding?

We can take them up until their six month birthday without being fixed or altered. Once they hit that six month birthday, on the day before, actually, we are no longer legally able to take that dog until they are altered.

In addition to food and snacks, can I bring my dog's bed or toys?

Absolutely. Anything that's going to make your kid feel more comfortable here. We encourage bedding and something they feel familiar with. For example, we tell our customers to bring a night shirt that they slept in - something that smells like Mom or Dad so that they know that they're coming back to get them. Bring their favorite toys (to keep in their kennel and not go in the playroom). But anything that you feel is going to make your dog feel more comfortable, we encourage you to bring it in.

Anything I can't bring?

We don't allow any rawhides or pigs ears, because those can be a choking hazard. But their favorite toys you should bring and they'll stay in their individual kennel with them. But anything that you feel is going to make your dog feel more comfortable, we encourage you to bring it in.

Are the dogs in the kennel all night? 

Up until 7 p.m., they tell us what they want. If everybody's quiet and laid down, then we let that ride. If somebody's freaking out and they want to go into the play room for a little bit and burn off some of that energy, that's when we'll scoop some up, put them into the playroom, and runs out their energy. After 7 p.m. we have all overnight dogs in their kennels. They're usually pretty played out:)

How should I plan for my dogs meals?

Just bring in their food and treats in labeled containers/bags. Allow for a couple extra servings in case plans change and to give us some extra - dogs can be finicky sometimes and may take a couple extra attempts to eat.

Can you give my dog their medications and does that cost extra?

Yes, you should bring medications. Another way we stand apart from other dog day cares in Denver is we don't charge any extra for administering any kind of medication. Other places do charge for that.


The only thing with medications is it has to be in its original packaging. So even something simple like Benadryl, it's got to have the packaging and clearly the directions on it, by law, or I'm not allowed to administer it. Also, please provide us written instructions for the days/times/amounts and how to administer it - ie. with cheese, pill pocket, in their food, etc. 

Do you have webcams where I can watch my dog? 

Yes, but only in the play areas. We don't have cameras in the kennels. But, we put pictures up on Facebook all the time, so check that for pictures of your kids.

If I'm freaking out, is it ok if I call?

Yes. Call as often as you need up until 7 p.m. to put your mind at ease about how your kid's doing. And we're going to let you know, hey, they're doing great, or hey, they're freaking out a little bit. Honesty is the best policy. That's what we'd want when our dogs are boarding somewhere, so that's how we treat all of our humans. A lot of our pet parents see their dogs as their children, so we get it. Especially the first night or the first time - we get more parents calling than you might think!

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